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What is Superbonus 110%?
Let’s make it clear!

The magic word in building, for this strange 2020 is SUPERBONUS 110%!

Everybody heard about it, but what exactly is? And especially, what consists of?

In this website page, we will try to broadly explain how it works. If you are really interested in SUPERBONUS 110%, our advice is to set a meeting where you can talk face to face with us, as the matter is very complex and needs to be studied case-by-case. The support of an expert makes the difference. Contact us to make an appointment!

And now, let’s try to explain…!

SUPERBONUS 110% entails ECOBONUS 110% and SISMABONUS 110%, even if you don’t need to execute both the restoration category to get the relief.

This bonus was born to improve buildings’ energetical and seismic efficiency, allowing to save 110% of the amount spent for renovations (each category has its maximum coverage, but we’ll see it later).

Cosa devo avere o non devo avere per accedere al bonus?

DON’T have existing or open unpermitted constructions;

NEED to improve my premises up to 2 ENERGY CLASSES;

NEED to make at least one of the two LEADING interventions.


Which works does SUPERBONUS110% include?

We need to make an essential distinction. 

LEADING interventions and LED interventions.

To have access to the bonus on LED works, we would at least make one or both LEADING works.

Let’s see what they are:


Obligatory (one or both) to have access to SUPERBONUS 110% and gets right of access to Led bonus.

  • Thermal coat for a maximum coverage of 50.000€, with a price of 150€/sq. m for each property. Furthermore, at least the 25% of the building would be thermally insulated.
  • Boiler and better thermal plant for a maximum coverage of 30.000€, for each property.


Second level bonus, it can be used if Leading Bonus is accepted, and includes:

  • Darkening doors and windows for a maximum coverage of 60.000€ with a cost center of 750€/sq. m
  • Photovoltaic for a maximum coverage of 48.000€ and a cost centre of 1.600/kw
  • Charging columns for electrical cars 3.000€

And how do I get back the money, or who pays?

Through assignment of claim to banks, in change of immediate liquidity with bridging loans.

Believe us, this is the most difficult and thorny part, as there are different opportunities that should be studied case-by-case. That’s when SCP helps you. Don’t hesitate to contact us, bureaucracy is our daily bread.

Contacts us

Trust us, we will take care of everything!

We will conduct a feasibility study, which will take in:

  • Survey
  • Initial APE (energetic performance certificate)
  • Technical project
  • Final APE

For a total amount of 2.500€ + VAT (deductible)